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A Wry Mouth Girl Become More Vigorous And Beautiful After Having Double Jaw Surgery At Everm Clinic Of Korea

In this world,there is always a kind of people who are blessed by god,while there are also some people who are born to suffer.

Xiao xi was such a girl who was born with a severe asymmetrical jaw,so she was often laughed at by other children and no one would like to play with her.Little Xiao xi was even suffering malicious remarks by others,which once caused her extremely low self-esteem.

The selfie of Xiao xi before the double jaw surgery at Everm clinic

The selfie of Xiao xi before the double jaw surgery at Everm clinic

Except suffering the strange eyes and words.Xiao xi also suffered the damage of imcomplete chewing to her body-such as stomach ulcers,gastritis and other diseases.She even found it so hard for her to go on.

Before the double jaw surgery at Everm clinic

Before the double jaw surgery at Everm clinic

Everm plastic surgery clinic learned about the condition of Xiaoxi inadvertently and invited her for further examination at Everm.Only that time did Xiao xi know her trouble could be solved by surgical method easily.

Consulting room of Everm plastic surgery clinic

(Consulting room of Everm plastic surgery clinic)

Having seen various cases of Everm and communicate with the director,Xiao xi had some necessary examinations.

The results showed that Xiao xi’s double jaw joint is very different and there is also severe bating problem of her.Only the double jaw surgery could correct the asymmetry and occlusal relationship.

Director Yin designed the surgical plan for Xiao xi according to concrete examination results.She determined to have it at Everm without hesitation.

The director Yin was diagnosing about double jaw surgery

The director Yin was diagnosing about double jaw surgery

Xiao xi seem very calm and she did not see her looks as most customers did.As though the 2-hour operation would not affect her mood and life at all.During the recovery time,she began to look herself in the mirror,take selfies and shared her recover experience with her parents as well.

When her mom asked‘Did it hurt?’She said’Not at all.’In fact,she did not comfort her mom but there was really not painful.She felt that it would be better if she could have done it much earlier.

One month after the surgery,Xiao xi's face was barely swollen,but the smile and front teeth were not natural enough.She often collided the upper and lower incisors and she enjoyed the nice feeling.

Xiao xi after having the doudle jaw surgery at Everm clinic

(Xiao xi after having the doudle jaw surgery at Everm clinic)

Xiao xi could feed as usual and she liked chewing things up,which made her very happy.She looked much different than before,much pretty and outgoing.

Someone asked her’what do you want to do now?’she said’I want to be a kindergarten teacher.’So good girl she is!Perhaps she prefers to warm the world with her sunny smile after suffering a lot.

A real case of double jaw surgery at Everm clinic

(A real case of double jaw surgery at Everm clinic)

This is the before and after comparison picture of Xiao xi's double jaw operation at Everm clinic in Korea.Girls,How do you think it?

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As a senior media person who has ran around in the medical beauty business for many years, i have professional knowledge of medical beauty, and i had ever had plastic surgery projects.I often write some articles in common way to help you become more pretty and confident.

Furthermore,i will also share my own experience of plastic surgery,skincare and something practical or interesting to all of you,just like your intimate girlfriend.

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